Focus and Scope

JOURNAL TAFKIRUL IQTISHODIYYAH (JTI) was published by the LPPM Darul 'Ulum Lampung Timur Institute of Sciences (STIS). Published twice a year, in June and December

The journal focuses on providing quality research in the fields of Islamic economics, banking and finance. This journal aims to cover important topics in modern Islamic economics and finance. The language used is Indonesian. The editor invites researchers, lecturers, reviewers, industry practitioners and observers to contribute.

JOURNAL TAFKIRUL IQTISHODIYYAH (JTI) focuses on the main problems in the development of Islamic economics and business in the form of conceptual thoughts / ideas and the results of their studies include:

Islamic Philanthropy (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh and Waqf)
Halal Supply Chain Management
Islamic Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Islamic Banking and Finance
Islamic Human Resources
Islamic market
Other topics related to Islamic economics

This journal welcomes contributions from scholars from related disciplines